Title | 2011 Peace Camp for Youth - Commemorating 61 Years of Commitment and Friendship |
Date | 1st Round - July. 3 ~ July. 9 2nd Round - July. 24 ~July. 30 |
Venue | Seoul & Busan |
Participating Nations | 14 countries United States. United Kingdom. Canada. Turkey. Australia. Philippines. Thailand. Netherlands. Colombia. New Zealand. Ethiopia. Belgium. France. Korea |
Participants | 1st Round 88 people 2nd Round 76 people |
Host Organization | Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (Official Site : http://english.mpva.go.kr/) |
The Camp Emblem
The Overall Goals of the Peace Camp for Youth
To thank and honor the sacrifice and devotion of the Korean War veterans who put themselves in harm's way for the noble cause of safeguarding peace and freedom in a distant, unknown nation
To assure that freedom and democracy should be valued with priority
To help have a better understanding on the significance of the Korean War
To strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation in promoting peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and more broadly for a peaceful world in the 21st century by inheriting the indomitable valor and noble sacrifice of the Korean War veterans
To assure that freedom and democracy should be valued with priority
To help have a better understanding on the significance of the Korean War
To strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation in promoting peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and more broadly for a peaceful world in the 21st century by inheriting the indomitable valor and noble sacrifice of the Korean War veterans