2010 Peace Camp


1st Round

(Ceremony of disbanding) scene of memorial photographing

(lecture) scene of listening to a lecture

(lecture)scene of lecture given by professor Park Seohyun

(Peace Seminar ) subject 1seminar (Professor Cho Ilhyun)

(Peace Seminar) subject 2 seminar (reporter Ju Seongha)

(Seoul National Cemetery) floral tribute, incense burning and silent prayer

(War Memorial of Korea) floral tribute to tomb monument (France)

Mr. John Key, prime minister of New Zealand and his wife offer flowers at War Memorial of Korea

photographing in memory of field trip to (DMZ)

Scene of kick off ceremony

Scene of Peace Bicycle Parade

Scene that shows the start of Peace Bicycle Parade

Talent show (Thailand)

2nd Round

(Ceremony of disbanding ) Fan dance performance

(DMZ) Memorial photographing at Panmunjeom

(Korean culture experience) scene that show the making of mask

(Korean culture experience)scene that shows traditional Korean Bongsan masked dance

(Peace Bicycle Parade) riding Han river excursion ship

(Peace Bicycle Parade)Scene of flying doves of peace

(Seminar on peace ) lecture given by reporter Ju Seongha

(Seoul City) Memorial photographing at Gyeongbok Palace

(Seoul National Cemetery ) Memorial photographing at the entrance of Seoul National Cemetery

(Seoul National Cemetery) floral tribute, incense burning and silent prayer

(UN Memorial Park) Pray before individual graveyard

(UN Memorial Park) Representative of participants offers flowers

(War Memorial of Korea ) visit 6.25 Korean War building

Memorial photographing with (the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense)

Question 1 of participants in (Peace Seminar)

Scene that shows dialogue with the Secretary of State

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