Welcome Message

Dear grandchildren of the UN Korean War veterans!

I am very pleased to extend an invitation for you to join the 2011 Peace Camp for Youth.

Your grandfathers came to a distant land that most of them had never heard of and willingly put themselves in harm’s way for its peace and freedom about 60 years ago. Enduring the biting cold of Korea’s freezing winters, they fought in life-or-death battles and expected nothing in return. Indomitable valor and noble sacrifices they demonstrated 60 years ago gave us a ray of hope that we would one day rebuild our country from the ashes of war.

Since then, the Republic of Korea has come a long way and to make outstanding economic growth and political development and became a responsible member of the international community

The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in Korea initiated the Peace Camp for Youth to honor the sacrifices of the UN Korean War veterans who devoted themselves to defend peace and freedom of korea and, to encourage collaboration amongst youths of the UN allied nations.

Dear participants of the Peace Camp for Youth!

Now it is your turn to establish a free, peaceful world that your grandfathers desperately wanted to safeguard. Through the Peace Camp for Youth, I anticipate you would build up ever lasting friendship with other participants from the UN allied nations, which will contribute to stability on the Korean Peninsula and world peace.

I hope you get as much out of the camp experience during your stay in Korea. Once returning home, please convey thanks and honor of the Korean people to your grandfathers.

Thank you.

June 2011

Park, Sung Choon
Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs
Republic of Korea