Camp Notice

Welcome to the 2011 Peace Camp for Youth!

There are several notices necessary for the participants in the camp.
Please keep in mind the below details prior to the camp.
If you have any question, contact us (,
  1. Traveler's Insurance : All participants must sign up for traveler’s insurance individually prior to taking part in the camp.
    For more information about the insurance, please contact the below travel agencies.
  2. United StatusLA : 323-735-6611
    Washington D.C : 703-307-8959
    United Kingdom20-7495-3377
    New Zealand09-307-1234
  3. Dress Code :
    • July in Korea is summer season.
      Please prepare summer clothes and semi-formal clothes for national courtesy.
      Personal materials (tooth brush, tooth paste, shampoo, rinse, etc.) should be prepared individually
    • Please wear formal dresses when visiting the National Cemetery, The War Memorial of Korea, Busan UN Memorial Cemetery, and DMZ.
      In particular, when you visit DMZ, you should not put on the followings:
      training clothes, torn or faded jeans (normal jeans available), leather clothing, sandals, shorts, mini-skirts, sleeveless shirts,
      gay costume, tight clothing, military-style clothing
      You may not take part in the DMZ tour if you fail to abide by the dress code.
    • Haewoondae tour will take place after visit to Busan UN Memorial Cemetery on the 4th day.
      Recommended to wear casuals during Haewoondae tour. 
      Please prepare extra casuals in addition to formal clothing at the 4th day
  4. July in Korea is rainy season. Participants are recommended to prepare umbrellas or rain outfits
  5. Numerous brave soldiers who joined the Korean War are resting at the Busan UN Cemetery.
    Please let us know information on your relatives who were buried in the Cemetery.
  6. Information on Farewell Party: We arrange a talent show at the Farewell Party. If you want to show your spcialties to other participants, you can prepare for it. It would be better to prepare things such as traditional costumes, dances, or songs about your country.
  7. Information on 6th Day City tour & Shopping:
    We arrange City tour & Shopping time at the 6th day. During the tour, we will pay lunch charges. But participants have to bring money for shopping.
  8. For the information on meal menus, please refer to the Carte category.
  9. Peace Music has been made for the camp.
    You can listen to the music in the category of Peace Music.
    This song will be recorded in a studio at the 6th day’s morning.
    So please exercise it in advance. 
  10. Smoking and drinking are not allowed in this camp.
Notice 2

판문점(DMZ) 견학자 준수사항
(Facts to be observed by Panmunjom(DMZ) Visitors)
판문점 견학은 국민들에 대해 한반도 분단의 현장을 직접 방문, 현실을 올바르게 직시할
Panmunjom Tours are provided to help people better understand the current situations
수 있도록 안보교육 차원에서 견학을 실시하고 있습니다.
divided Korean Peninsula on the of security education.
또한 이곳은 남북한 경계구역으로 언제 어느 때 돌발적인 사고가 발생할지도 모르는 긴장된
Also Panmunjom, being in the area of the South-North Korea border line, has the potential
지역으로서 판문점 견학 시 다음 유의사항을 필히 준수하여 주시기 바랍니다.
of hazardous accidents. So please pay attention and observe the following facts.

  1. 방문시간 절대준수(10분 이상 지연 시 취소)
    No tour after more than 10 minutes of delay.
  2. 단정한 사복착용(청바지류(모든색의 진바지류 포함), 반바지, 등산복, 티셔츠, 소매나 깃이 없는 옷, 몸에 꽉끼는 상.하의, 운동복 형태의 의류, 슬리퍼 절대불가. 단, 정장용 샌들은 가능), 현역은 정복 또는 약복 착용(전투복, 비행복, 작업복 등 출입 불가)
    Proper dress code(No blue jeans of any style/short pants/T-shirts(tops) without sleeve-s/ slippers/sandals).
  3. 신분증 지참 및 방문 전 음주금지
    (음주(음주 냄새자 포함)후 방문단체 견학 절대 금지/취소)
    ID card and No Consumption of any drink in alcoholic nature prior to tour.
  4. 견학대상은 만11세 이상, 1회 방문인원은 30명이상 43명이내
    No visit for those under 11 years of age and no group over 43 in a batch.
  5. 최상의 차량상태 유지 및 차량내부 청결상태 유지
    Keep best conditions of vehicle inside and outside.
  6. 비무장지대 출입 시 검문, 검색 협조
    Cooperate with MP's check & search.
  7. 견학 시 필히 안내자의 지시에 따라 행동(불응 시 중도 취소 됨)
    Follow the instructions of tour guide.
  8. 각종 사전 선거운동과 관련된 단체는 방문 불가
    No groups related to any election campaign are allowed.
  9. 견학 관련 금품 수수행위 금지
    No offers of money and goods to Panmunjom related officials.

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